What's going on everyone this is wiviral come back with another
female Friday and today I'm gonna show
you the best workout for building a
bigger booty.
All right so like I said today's article
I'm gonna be going through a leg workout
where we're gonna be putting a ton of
emphasis on the glutes because I know
from having tons of email ladies
are always looking to lift and sculpt
their booties and so this is gonna be a
the perfect workout just for that
another thing that our female
the love I mean really all of our females is
also toning their legs and toning their
booty just toning their entire body and
if you are looking to do that obviously
you have to focus on fat burning and
lowering your body fat percentage and a
real easy way to do that is by using our
24-hour fat burner supplement it's got
two patented technologies that prove its
effectiveness for increasing what's
called your resting energy expenditure
which is how many calories you burn
without working out so basically you're
cranking up your metabolism and you're
burning more calories without doing more
workouts and it's got studies proving
all of this and we get clients who love
it testimonials all the time
but getting into this workout like I
said this is going to be a leg workout
where we're gonna be putting extra
emphasis on the glutes and so it's going
to be five different exercises and first
off we're going to be starting with
possibly the best glute building
the exercise which is hip thrusts

and so here what you're gonna do is you're
gonna get down on the ground you're
gonna have a bar across your lap if you
want something that usually helps
because it can be a little painful with
that bar right on your hip bone is put
one of those pads on the bar and
then puts that on your lap if you don't
have a pad you can layer a couple of towels
there just a little bit of
padding is gonna go a long way because
the bar is obviously super hard but then
you're gonna load up the weight whatever
the weight you can handle for 10 reps so if
we're going a little bit heavier here
later on, in the workout, we're gonna bump
up the reps a little bit but right now
we really want to focus on using the
strength because your glutes are the
biggest muscles in your body so we want
to make sure
we're really overloading the muscle here
so that we can build it and we're gonna
focus on really exhausting the muscle
later so that we can lift it and and
sculpt it as much as possible so here
we're gonna be going for a set of 10
with this, you really want to focus on
not having your butt sticking out you
really want to tuck your butt under and
then push through your heels and squeeze
all the way up with your gluts dropping
back down not letting your butt rest on
the ground may be just tapping the ground
and then going right back into the next
one 10 clean reps you're gonna rest for
a minute you're gonna get right back
into it and you can do that for three
more sets so four sets total of the hip
thrusts and then we're gonna get into
the second exercise which is sumo

so sumo squats are a slightly
different variation from a regular squat
and basically, the main difference is
that your feet are going to be like in a
sumo wrestlers position so they're gonna
be a lot wider your toes are gonna be a
lot more pointed outward and then you
really want to focus on keeping the
weight on your heels you don't want the
weight to go up in your toes it's very
easy to allow that to happen and then
basically, you're going to also not be
able to go down as far and as you have
your legs wider you're gonna get a lot
better contraction of your glutes also
your hamstrings but you're also going to
get be working your quads so you're
going to be working all the different
muscle groups in your legs but this is
also going to put some extra emphasis on
your glutes which is what we're trying
to do here and it's just a good
variation to switch to every now and
then if your body is used to squats so I
like sumo squats for multiple different
reasons so here we're actually going to
bump up the rep range a little bit we're
not going super heavy I don't usually
like going super heavy on squats I
got a bad back if you got lower back
problems going light here is gonna be a
lot safer as well for you so load up
with what other whatever weight you can
go for 15 reps so it's going to be a
a little bit lighter because we're going
with that higher rep range but you do
want to make sure that you are failing
like that 15 is about the maximum amount
of reps that you could have done with
the weight that you choose so 15 reps
you're dropping down you want your
thighs to be about parallel to the
ground maybe just past parallel so your
butts dropping a little bit lower than
that and really focus on driving through
your heels squeeze up at the top and going back into the
next one so 15 slow clean reps here then
you're gonna rest for a minute
repeat that three more times for four
sets total

And we'll get into the third exercise
which is going to be split squats
so split squats are actually one
of my favorite exercises to substitute
from regular squats because they do work
the muscle in a similar position but
it's a lot more spine sparing because
your your back isn't going to be as far
forward and it's going to include the
glute medius a lot more so the glute
muscle on the side of your booty which
is going to help really sculpt it it's
going to be targeting that a lot more as
well so here we're gonna have one foot
out in front of us and then we're gonna
have one foot elevated behind us and
from there what you're going to do is
you're gonna grab two weights whatever weight
you can go we're going for 15
reps here again so it's going to be
pretty lightweight here because of you
really want to focus on going to full depth
and then also coming all the way
up so the full range of motion here and then
what you're trying to do is you're
trying to get your your your legs to
break 90 degrees and so you don't want
to go super low to where your butt is
almost touching your heel on your front
foot but you do want to break 90 degrees
with your knee to make sure that you're
going far enough so that you can really
activate that glute muscle and then
you're gonna come up as far as you can
and right back into the next rep so
you're gonna go 15 reps on your 15 reps
on your right leg 15 reps on your left leg
then you're gonna rest for a minute
and a half so it's gonna be a slightly
longer rest time simply because you're
kind of doing 30 reps because you're
doing 15 on each side so a little bit
longer of rest just as always shown to
help the most with crushing the next set
equally as much so minute and a half
rest you're gonna do that three more
times for four sets of total
and then we're gonna move into the next exercise which
are cable kickbacks

And these are probably a female favorite simply
because you just feel it so much in your
glutes it's very hard not to feel this
in your glutes as long as you're doing
it right so here what you're going to do
are you're going to get a cable you're
going to put it all the way down to the
the bottom you're going to put a handle on
it and then basically you're going to
hook your foot in that handle and then
from there you're gonna bend over and
you're really going to focus on kicking
your leg straight back so there's a big
the misconception here that with cable
kickbacks you really want to focus on
lifting your leg out as high as you can
like above your body like overextending
that's not true it is good to
overextend a little bit but the most
emphasis should be placed from where
it's bent like when your knees at the 90
degree angle and then overloading it to
when it's basically in line with your body
that's going to be the most
an important part of the exercise if it
goes a little higher or overextends
the little bit that's fine but you don't
want to be over-exaggerating how far
back and up your foot go so you're just
going from that 90-degree angle and
trying to get it straight with your body
really focus on squeezing with your
gluts as you do this you're gonna go for
15 reps on the right leg 15 reps on
the left leg then you're gonna rest for a
minute and half again you're gonna do
this for three more sets of four total
sets and move into the final exercise
which is going to be a hyperextension

so hopefully your gym has one of these
if not then the workout could probably
just be called you can maybe do some
squat pulses or maybe put a band around
your leg and do some side steps with
a band that's a great way to just finish
off your glute muscles but if your gym
does have one of these little machines
basically, you're going to get into it
you want the weight you want the pad
to be just at the top of your thighs but
below your hips and then from there
you're really gonna focus on going all
the way down basically getting your your
hips to be at a 90-degree angle and then
you're really going to focus on
squeezing with your gluts and your
hamstrings to pull your body up but then
you don't want to go much past
a straight line in your body so you don't
want to go way over-hype you don't want
to go way past that straight line you
want to go from 90 degrees and bring it
right up to there squeeze with your
gluts and then go right back into it
squeeze with your gluts not way up here
because then you're gonna be working
a lot of your low back muscles which could
actually, end up to a little bit of low
back pain
which is not something we're trying to
do here we're trying to strengthen and
tone those glutes so that's how you're
gonna do that one you're gonna do it for
three set so we're not doing four sets
of this one so you're gonna go for about
twelve to fifteen reps here you can hold
like a little plate in your hand may be a
10 25 pound plate there if you can if
you can't no weights fine this is
technically considered a finisher for
the end of our workout to really just
fatigue the glutes completely so 10 12
15 reps whatever you can really handle
here three sets of this total a minute
rest in between and that's going to do
it for the entire leg workout so you can
do this workout probably twice a week
this is a pretty in-depth leg workout I
wouldn't do this more than twice a week
at least give yourself probably three
days of rest after you do this three
days your legs three days of rest you
can do upper body after this but don't
do legs again for probably 72 hours let
them recover let them heal.
So hopefully you like this workout make
sure you share it with your friends and thank you for
reading hope you enjoyed it and I'll
see you in the next post
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